Time:6 hrs
Distance:16 km
Ascent:700 m
Maps: LPI Warrumbungle National Park Tourist Map 1:40000
LPI Tooraweenah 8635-S 1:50000
Sketch maps: Sketch map 1 PDF
Notes:Print-friendly notes (opens in new window)
Please note that while the maps on this web site are useful and generally contain more, and more accurate, information on trails, the relevant topographic maps should be carried on most walks. These are available from the Lands Information Centre, map shops, and most outdoor stores.


Crater Bluff from Bluff Mountain

The face of Bluff Mountain is the highest of the cliffs in the Warrumbungles. This walk takes you to the top of the cliffs, as well as providing views of the face on the way out. There are also great views of other Warrumbungles peaks from various points on the walk.

The Warrumbungles are very hot in summer, so the best time to visit is in the cooler months, between April and September. The only water on the walk is at Balor Hut, and if you are relying on this, you will need to confirm whether there will be any with the visitor centre.


Grass trees on the climb up to Bluff Mountain

The walk starts and finishes at the Pincham Car Park. From the Visitor Centre at Camp Blackman, return to the main road (Timor Road), turn left and immediately right after 150m. The car park is 800m further along at the end of the road.

Track notes

From 11 Jun 2004, last checked 04 Oct 2014

From the Pincham Car Park, head along the easy walking track along Spirey Creek. Only a short way in, you pass Camp Pincham, which is a walk-in camp site for those looking to get away from the car but not walk far.

The Breadknife from near Balor Hut

After crossing Spirey Creek, the track shortly reaches the junction with West Spirey Creek, which is the return route for later in the day. Continue along the main track, which is mostly paved. Pass a turnoff to Spirey View lookout, and continue up the steep track on a long switchback up to Sreng Boss. Along this section you start getting views of the Breadknife and Belougery Spire. At the top of the main climb, you hit a set of metal stairs. Turn right along the Dagda Short Cut, though if you wanted to make the walk harder (adds an extra 120m of climbing), you could continue left up to the Grand High Tops. Either way, you soon reach Dagda Saddle.

From Dagda Saddle, continue west along the track towards Dows Camp. Dows Camp is a pleasant camping area set at the junction of the main track with that up to Bluff Mountain.

Belougery Spire from the track to the Grand High Tops

The track up to Bluff Mountain starts off clearly, climbing steadily up past the masses of grass trees growing on the slopes. Once on the summit ridge, it becomes harder to follow, as it crosses rocky outcrops. This section of the path is not marked. Generally speaking keep to the top of the ridge, as you head north. There are a couple of places where you may need to scramble using hands and feet. Note any tricky sections for your return trip. Soon you reach the rocky summit, with great views over the northern part of the park.

The imposing face of Bluff Mountain

After enjoying the vista, return to the track junction at Dows Camp. Continue along the main track along Dows High Tops. It is a bit under an hour's walk to Ogma Saddle, or Gap, though just before Ogma is an unmarked saddle. There are plenty of views of the impressive face of Bluff Mountain as you proceed along this section of track.

From Ogma Gap, take the track to the north that leads down into the top of West Spirey Creek. This descends steeply at first, and then more easily. About an hour's walk brings you back to the bridge at the main Spirey Creek track, and it is only about 20 minutes back to the car.

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