
Colo cliffs near Canoe Creek, Wollemi National Park
Most of the bushwalks in the Colo River area involve a steep climb in and out, but the rewards are great. The gorge is spectacular, and swimming holes abound for relief on hot days.
For beginners, the best walks are those in the lower Colo region. Bob Turners Track is an easy day walk, and from Mountain Lagoon to Colo Meroo is a good overnight walk. The T3 Track from Mountain Lagoon to the Colo is a bit more challenging, as is Canoe Creek, although experienced walkers will find both relatively easy day trips.
Further upstream the walks are more challenging. The walk to Crawfords Lookout, at the end of Culoul Range is quite easy and has excellent views, but it is a steep descent to the river from there. Bob Buck's Colo River sketch map has passes into and out of the Colo marked on it, but many of these are tricky and exposed, and may require exploratory trips just to locate.
The Colo River is navigable by kayak, however, this requires a significant amount of rain, and is an extremely difficult undertaking (Grade 6). Flat water paddling can be undertaken in the lower reaches of the Colo, near Upper Colo.
Generally speaking the canyon band is further west than the Colo River. However there may be a few canyons around the start of the Colo nearer the junction of the Wolgan and Capertee Rivers.
There are a number of crags in the Colo area worth checking out. Mandalay Cliff, near the Colo River bridge just before the town of Colo, is probably the most extensive. Others include Funnelweb Gulch, Slab City and Cracks Corner. See the Wild Guide "Sydney and the Sea Cliffs", "Rockclimbs In the Lower Blue Mountains" or Sydney Climbing for more information.
The Colo River is liloable for most of its distance, although there are occasional rapids that need to be shot. The main challenge is finding sections where the walk in can be easily connected with the walk out. Otherwise a car shuffle is required. If you are starting out, a good weekend would be to walk in on Bob Turners Track or the T3 Track and lilo to Colo Meroo.
Mountain Biking
The fire trails off the Putty Rd, such as the Culoul Range Trail and the Grassy Hill Trail, are suitable for mountain biking, although you should watch for cars and 4WDs. There are also a number of fire trails in the Mountain Lagoon area which offer decent mountain biking.
Mountain Lagoon Loop via Colo Meroo and Tootie Creek
Time: 2 days Distance: 29km Fitness: MH Skill: M Ascent: 520m
A challenging river walk along the lower reaches of the Colo River.
Crawfords Lookout to Dooli Creek
Time: 2 days Distance: 21km Fitness: M Skill: MH Ascent: 460m
A challenging walk through some of the best scenery in the upper Colo River.
Canoe Creek
Time: 4 hrs Distance: 6km Fitness: EM Skill: EM Ascent: 400m
A relatively easy route to the magnificent Colo River, with good swimming and the option of camping.
Bob Turners Track
Time: 2 hrs Distance: 6km Fitness: E Skill: E Ascent: 280m
One of the easiest routes to the Colo River. A lovely pool and beach make it a delightful spot for swimming, although it is a decent climb in and out.
Crawfords Lookout
Time: 2 hrs Distance: 8km Fitness: E Skill: EM Ascent: 240m
A short walk to a spectacular lookout over Wollemi Creek and the upper Colo River.
Colo Meroo
Time: 2 days Distance: 24km Fitness: EM Skill: EM Ascent: 580m
Good views of the Colo River on the way to this excellent camp ground by the river itself
Tootie Creek (T3 Track)
Time: 4 hrs Distance: 6km Fitness: M Skill: EM Ascent: 500m
A steep but short and spectacular walk to the Colo River at its junction with Tootie Creek
Wild Places, Peter Prineas
A meticulously researched and beautifully illustrated book on the state of wilderness in NSW.
The Colo Gorge - Anthony Dunk
A useful personal site with varied information on aspects of the Colo River area in Wollemi NP
Wollemi National Park - NPWS
A summary of information about Wollemi National Park, including information on camping facilities, visitor centres, animal species list and plan of management