Title: | Discovering the Colo Wilderness on Foot |
Author: | Anthony Dunk |
Publisher: | Envirobook |
Year published: | 1999 |
ISBN: | 0-85881-162-6 |
No of pages: | 80 |
Price (approx): | $ 12.95 |
This slim book is a source of plenty of useful ideas for walks in Wollemi National Park, and around the Colo River in particular.
There is a brief introductory section discussing the history, flora and fauna of the region, and at the back is another brief section on equipment and techniques. The latter is tailored slightly towards Wollemi NP.
The walks themselves have a brief summary information and then the track notes. The summary is useful, although the track notes are fairly brief. Some of the important points are covered, but others are passed over with little commentary. Not a book for the novice walker.
Each walk has a fairly basic hand drawn map - useful if you have the 1:25000, but you wouldn't want to be relying on it by itself.
The best thing about the walks is the variety, and the fact that quite a number of them are not covered in other publications. A number of overnight and longer walks are included, as well as the usual array of day walks.
The pictures are of quite good quality given the low key publishing of the book itself.
Overall quite a useful book if you are a reasonably experienced walker looking for some new places to walk.